Information Checklist

The following information is indicative of what is usually required to complete a holiday let mortgage application, accurately and quickly. If you could take a moment early in the process to gather your files and pull together what you can, this will ease the process considerably.

Many documents, like bank statements, payslips, utility bills etc can be downloaded directly from your provider's online system, or can be saved directly via the "Download as PDF" or “Print to PDF” function. This is our preferred option for all non-paper based documents.

Personal Identification:

Typically these are paper-based documents and so please provide a high-resolution scan or clear photograph of an in-date document, showing the full photo page. One of the following:

  • Passport (preferred).
  • Driving license.
  • Identity card.
  • Travel visa.

We use clever electronic ID verification tools to check your personal identification and your current address. One less thing for you to worry about!

You will also need to hand details of:

  • Your National Insurance number.
  • Details regarding any change of name.
  • Address history for the last 3 years.
  • Details of any other properties that you own, including dates of purchase and current estimated market values and the mortgages attached to them.



These documents are normally available in electronic PDF format, downloadable from your provider's website either directly, or via the “Print to PDF” function:

  • Details of all the bank accounts you hold, including lender name and address, sort and account codes and how long you have held the accounts for.
  • Latest 3 months’ full individual and joint bank statements showing salary credits (if applicable) and all monthly outgoings, bills etc. If internet-based prints, these should show name, address, bank name and sort code and account number.
  • Proof of deposit, which is normally provided via your bank statements. Or, if the deposit is being gifted to you, you will need to obtain certified bank statements from the person providing the gift, confirming that they have the required funds.


These documents are normally available in electronic PDF format, downloadable from your provider's website either directly, or via the “Print to PDF” function.

  • Employed applicants:
    • Latest 3 salary slips that show the employer’s name and gross and net amounts.
  • Self Employed applicants, such as Partners or Sole Traders:
    • Last 2 years’ SA302’s Income Tax Calculations showing your declared income and your corresponding Tax Year Overview documents.
  • Shareholder/Director applicants (if you own more than 20% of the share capital of the limited company):
    • Last 2 years’ SA302’s Income Tax Calculations showing your declared income and your corresponding Tax Year Overview documents; and
    • Last 2 years’ professionally prepared accounts.
  • Other income: Details of non job-related income, such as rental income, pension income, etc.


Credit Commitments:

We will need you to upload the latest credit report for each applicant. This is essential and if you don’t already have access to one, you can get one free of charge by creating an account with Experian. Create an account, click on "Credit Report" and scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Print or save for your records" and select “Save as PDF” as the printer and hey presto, your report is ready!

We don’t normally need documents to prove these items, but we will need to know the details and values of all credit and finance agreements, such as:

  • Credit or store card.
  • Personal loans.
  • Payday loans.
  • Car finance.
  • Other purchases made using credit.
  • Student loans.
  • Overdraft.
  • Other loans.


A simple affordability test will be undertaken and we will ask you to provide accurate estimates of the following household outgoings:

  • Essential costs:
    • Food & drink
    • Home utilities (gas, electric, water, council tax, internet, phone, TV license).
    • Important insurances (car, building and contents, travel, medical).
    • Essential home-related expenditure (repairs, cleaning, misc purchases).
    • Essential car expenses (repairs, fuel, servicing, road tax).
    • Life assurance, critical illness, mortgage protection or endowment payments.
    • Committed school and care fees, maintenance costs and related expense.
  • Basic living costs:
    • Social food, drink and entertainment.
    • Other home-related expenditure (cleaning, misc purchases).
    • Clothing and footwear.
    • Regular savings and investments.


The Holiday Let Property

  • If an existing holiday let, evidence of the last 12 months’ gross income. Additional information such as the number of bookings and key costs such as marketing and housekeeping may be required. This existing letting income needs to be matched to a bank statement.
  • If a new holiday let, then obtain:
    • a letter from your chosen holiday letting agent, detailing the forecast:
      • Annual revenue and number of bookings.
      • The weekly rate in high, mid and low season.

This list is a guide only and your actual information and documentation requirements may be different, depending on your personal circumstances.

Certifying a document: A Quick Guide

When you apply for a mortgage, sometimes Lenders may ask that are certain documents are certified as true copies of the original. Copies of documents that can be certified include:

  • Passports.
  • Photocard driving licences.
  • Bank or Building Society or credit card statements.
  • Gas, electricity or Council Tax bills.

Who can certify a document?

According to Government advice, your document should be certified by a professional person or someone well-respected in your community (‘of good standing’) for example:

  • bank or building society official Councillor.
  • minister of religion.
  • dentist.
  • doctor.
  • magistrate.
  • chartered accountant.
  • solicitor or notary.
  • teacher or lecturer.

The person you ask should not be:

  • related to you.
  • living at the same address.
  • in a relationship with you.

How to certify a document

Take the photocopied document and the original and ask the person to certify the copy by:

  • for personal identification documents that contain a photo, write: “I, [full name of certifier], confirm that this is a true likeness of the applicant seen and a true copy of the original“.
  • for your documents that don’t contain a photo, write: “I, [full name of certifier], confirm this is a true copy of the original seen“.
  • ask the certifier to:
    • print their name, sign and date the statement.
    • add their occupation and company (if applicable).
    • add their address and telephone number.